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Reviewing papers by others is a part of the game, checkout Orr's Publons profile for contributions as a reviewer or the Research Gate and Google Scholar profiles for publication list
Reviewing papers by others is a part of the game, checkout Orr's Publons profile for contributions as a reviewer or the Research Gate and Google Scholar profiles for publication list
Movement Ecology and Individual Behavior
List of participants
Those listed here have already replied positively to a survey we shared and said they are coming. So, if you are listed here but not coming please let us know...
We are largely at full capacity already [we may accommodate up to 40 people in the class, and actually a bit more in the fieldtrip]... If you are not listed here and want to join please shoot me (Orr) an email (especially if you are working/planning to use Atlas).
For those who can't make it and want to join by Zoom, please fill this short
Google form (email, affiliation, etc), and we will send you the joining instructions.

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