Reviewing papers by others is a part of the game, checkout Orr's Publons profile for contributions as a reviewer or the Research Gate and Google Scholar profiles for publication list
Reviewing papers by others is a part of the game, checkout Orr's Publons profile for contributions as a reviewer or the Research Gate and Google Scholar profiles for publication list
Movement Ecology and Individual Behavior
Scientific papers
41. Payne E., Sinn D. L., Spiegel O., Leu S.T., Gardner M., Wohlfeil C., Godfrey S. S. & Sih A. (Accepted). Consistent after all: behavioural repeatability in a long-lived lizard across a six-year field study. Animal Behaviour. XXX.
40. Mallon et al….Spiegel, O (I’m among many authors by alphabetical order)…. & Fagan , W. F (2020). Diurnal timing of nonmigratory movement by birds: the importance of foraging spatial scales. Journal of Avian Biology. XX
39. Payne E., Sinn D. L., Spiegel O., Leu S.T., Wohlfeil C., Godfrey S. S., Gardner M. & Sih A. (2020). Consistent individual differences in ecto-parasitism of a long-lived lizard host. Oikos. 129: 1061-1071 PDF
38. Tichon, J, Gilchrist J. S., Rotem G. and Spiegel O. (2020) Social interactions in striped hyena inferred from camera traps data: is it more social than previously thought? Current Zoology, zoaa003. PDF
37. O’Farrell S†., Sanchirico J. N†., Spiegel O†., Depalle M., Haynie A., Murawski S. A., Perruso L. and Strelcheck A. (2019) Disturbance Modifies Payoffs in the Explore-Exploit Trade-Off. Nature Communications. †Equal contribution. 10, 3363 Link, PDF
36. McInturf A. G., Pollack L., Yang L. H. & Spiegel O. (2019) Vectors with autonomy: Features distinguishing animal-mediated nutrient transport from abiotic processes. Biological reviews. 94 (5): 1761–1773 PDF
35. Crowley P.H., Trimmer P. C. Cuello W.C., Ehlman S. M., Spiegel O., & Sih A. (2019) Deciding to Settle: Modeling the Effects of Environmental Changes on Habitat Choice. The American Naturalist. 193 (5): 1-14. PDF
34. Tucker et al….Spiegel, O (among many authors by alphabetical order)…. & Mueller, T. (2019). Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 00: 1-12. PDF
33. Noonan, M., et al….Spiegel, O (I’m among many authors by alphabetical order)…. & Calabrese, J. (2019). Which home range estimator should I use? An analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation. Ecological monographs. 89: e01344
32. Santangeli A., Spiegel O., Bridgeford P., & Girardello M. (2018). Synergistic effect of land-use and vegetation greenness on vulture nestling body condition in arid ecosystems. Scientific Reports. 8:13027.1-11.
31. Taggart P. L., Leu S. T., Spiegel, O., Godfrey S. S., Sih, A., & Bull, C. M. (2018) endure your parasites: sleepy lizard movement is not affected by their ecto-parasites. Canadian journal of Zoology. 96 (12): 1309-1316
30. Achmon Y., Achmon M., Dowdy F. R., Spiegel O., Claypool J., Toniato J., & Simmons C. (2018). Understanding the Anthropocene through the lens of landfill microbiomes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. PDF
29. Gil M., Hein A., Spiegel O. and Sih A. (2018). Social information links individual behavior to population and community dynamics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. PDF
28. Dougherty E. R.†, Seidel D. P.†, Carlson C J., Spiegel O., & Getz W. M. (2018). Going through the motions: incorporating movement analyses into disease research. †Equal contribution. Ecology Letters. 21: 588–604. PDF
* An online version is also available in Biorvix (here)
27. Tucker M., ….Spiegel, O. (many authors by alphabetical order)…. & Mueller, T. (2018). Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science. 359(6374):466-469. PDF
26. Spiegel O., Sih A., Leu S. T., & Bull C. M. (2018). Where should we meet? Mapping social network interactions of sleepy lizards shows sex-dependent social network structure. Animal Behaviour. 136: 207-215
* Special feature: social networks. PDF
25. Sih A., Spiegel O., Godfrey, S.S., Leu S. T., & Bull C. M. (2018). Integrating social networks, animal personalities, movement ecology and parasites: a framework with examples from a lizard. Animal Behaviour. 136: 195-205
* Special feature: social networks. PDF
24. C. M. Bull, Gardner M. G., Sih A., Spiegel O., Godfrey S.S. & Leu S. T. (2017). Why is social behavior rare in reptiles? Lessons from sleepy lizards. Advances in the Study of Behavior. 49, 1-26. PDF
23. Harel, R., Spiegel O., Getz W. M. & Nathan R. (2017). Following the traces of information center hypothesis in vultures using high-resolution tracking. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284 (1852), 20162654. PDF
22. Spiegel O., Leu S. T., Bull C. M. & Sih A. (2017). What’s your move? Movement as a link between personality and spatial dynamics in animal populations. Ecology Letters. 20, 3–18. PDF


21. Spiegel O. & Crofoot, M. (2016). The feedback between where we go and what we know – Information shapes movement, but movement also impacts information acquisition. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences (included in a special feature on behavioral ecology). PDF
20. Harel, R., Duriez O., Spiegel O., Fluhr J., Horvitz N., Getz W. M., Bouten W., Sarrazin F., Hatzofe O. & Nathan R. (2016). Decision-making by a soaring bird: time, energy and risk considerations at different spatio-temporal scales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, 371, 20150397. PDF
19. Spiegel O., Leu S. T., Bull C. M. & Sih A. (2016). Socially interacting or indifferent neighbours? Randomization of movement paths to tease apart social preference and spatial constraints. Methods Ecology and Evolution. 7(8), 971–979. PDF
18. Spiegel, O., Leu S. T., Sih, A., Godfrey S. S. & Bull, C. M. (2015). When the going gets tough: behavioural type-dependent space use in the sleepy lizard changes as the season dries. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 282: 20151768. Link, Layman summary, PDF
17. Farine, D. R.†, Montiglio, P-O.† & Spiegel, O.† (2015). From individuals to group and back: the selective consequences of group phenotypic composition. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 30(10): 609-621
†Equal contribution, Alphabetical order. Open Access
16. Wey, T., Spiegel, O., Montiglio, P-O. & Mabry, K. (2015). Natal dispersal in a social landscape: considering individual behavioral phenotypes and social environment in dispersal ecology. Current Zoology. 61(3), 543-556. (Included in the special issue: ‘Individual variation and dispersal ecology in dynamic environments’). PDF
15. Spiegel, O., Harel, R., Centeno-Cuadros, A., Hatzofe O., Getz, W. M. & Nathan, R. (2015). Moving beyond curve-fitting: using complementary data to assess alternative explanations for long movements of three vulture species. The American Naturalist. 185 (2), E00-E12. PDF
14. Resheff, Y., Rotics S., Harel, R., Spiegel, O. & Nathan, R. (2014) AcceleRater: a web application for supervised learning of behavioral modes from acceleration measurements. Movement Ecology. 2(27). Open Access

2012 and earlier
13. Spiegel, O., Harel, R., Getz, W. M. & Nathan, R. (2013). Mixed strategies of griffon vultures’ (Gyps fulvus) response to food deprivation lead to a hump-shaped movement pattern. Movement Ecology. 1(5). Open Access
12. Spiegel, O., Getz, W. M. & Nathan, R. (2013). Factors influencing foraging search efficiency: Why scarce Lappet-faced Vultures outperform ubiquitous White-backed Vultures? The American Naturalist. 181(5), E102-115. PDF

11. Nathan, R., Spiegel, O., Fortmann-Roe, S., Harel, R., Wikelski, M. & Getz, W. M. (2012). Using tri-axial acceleration data to identify behavioral modes of free-ranging animals: general concepts and tools illustrated for Griffon vultures. Journal of Experimental Biology. 215, 986–996. PDF, Media cover
10. Spiegel, O. & Nathan, R. (2012). Empirical evaluation of directed dispersal and density-dependent effects across successive recruitment phases. Journal of Ecology. 100, 392–404. PDF
9. Spiegel, O. & Nathan, R. (2010). Incorporating density dependence into the directed-dispersal hypothesis. Ecology. 91(5), 1538–1548. PDF
8. Grodzinski, U.†, Spiegel, O.†, Korine, C. & Holderied, M.W. (2009). Context-dependent flight speed: bats minimize energy expenditure per time when foraging and per distance when commuting. Journal of Animal Ecology. 78, 540–548.
† Equal contribution. PDF
7. Holyoak, M., Casagrandi, R., Nathan, R., Revilla, E. & Spiegel, O. (2008). Trends and missing parts in the study of movement ecology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 19060–19065. PDF
6. Nathan, R., Schurr, F. M., Spiegel, O., Steinitz, O., Trakhtenbrot, A. & Tsoar, A.(2008). Mechanisms of long-distance seed dispersal. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 23, 638–647. PDF
5. Spiegel, O. & Nathan, R. (2007). Incorporating dispersal distance into the disperser effectiveness framework: frugivorous birds provide complementary dispersal to plants in a patchy environment. Ecology Letters. 10, 718–728. PDF
4. Buckley, Y.M., Anderson, S., Catterall, C.P., Corlett, R.T., Engel, T., Gosper, C.R., Nathan, R., Richardson, D.M., Setter, M., Spiegel, O., Vivian-Smith, G., Voigt, F.A., Weir, J.E.S. & Westcott, D.A. (2006). Management of plant invasions mediated by frugivore interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology. 43, 848–857. PDF
Book chapters (peer reviewed)
3. Spiegel O. & O'Farrell, S. (2019). Methods for measuring and analyzing spatial behavior. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd Edition, (Rosenthal, G. et al eds.), Elsevier, New York, New York, USA. Vol 3, 518-528.
2. Schurr, F. M., Spiegel, O., Steinitz, O., Trakhtenbrot, A., Tsoar, A., & Nathan., R. (2009). Long-distance seed dispersal. In: Fruit Development and Seed Dispersal (ed. Østergaard, L.). Annual Plant Reviews, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 204–238. PDF
1. Bronstein, J.L., Izhaki, I., Nathan, R., Tewksbury, J., Spiegel, O., Lotan, A. & Altstein, O. (2007). Fleshy-fruited plants and frugivores in desert ecosystems. In: Seed dispersal: Theory and its application in a changing world (eds. Dennis, A.J., Schupp, E.W., Green, R.J. & Westcott, D.W.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 148–177.
Outreach publications
xii. Shelef O., Ben Simchon E., Rosenfeld A. & Spiegel O. (2020). Wildlife Activity to Mitigate Conflict with Agriculture. IsraelAgri, August Issue. PDF, Link
xi. Spiegel O. & Shwartz A. (2020). The influence of the Covid-19 crisis on wildlife: who will win and who will lose. Ecology & Environment, (in Hebrew). Link, PDF
x. Spiegel O. & Pinter-Wollman N. (2019). Placing the effects of demography on networks in ecological context: a comment on Shizuka and Johnson. Behavioral Ecology. Link, PDF
ix. Roll et al (2018). Compassionate conservation and invasive species. Haaretz (in Hebrew). Link, PDF
viii. Spiegel O. (2017) What’s your move? The ecological influence of personality-dependent space-use patterns in animals. Atlas of Science. Link
vii. Spiegel O. (2016) When the going gets tough: Sleepy lizards’ personality affect the way they use space. Atlas of science. Link
vi. Spiegel, O. (2015) Competition or co-existence? On vulture species and the
carcasses they exploit. Ecology & Environment, 6(4): 275-277 (in Hebrew). PDF
v. Spiegel, O. & Efrat, R. (2015) Lappet faced vultures and species co-existence.
The Israeli birding website. Link (in Hebrew).
iv. Spiegel, O., Kusters, M., Versfeld, Shatumbu, G., Nathan, R. & Getz, W. M. (2013).
What was the Lapped-faced vulture looking for at the other side of the country?
The Namibian Roan NEWS Magazine, 5: 45-48. PDF
iii. Spiegel, O., Harel R. & Hatzofe, O. (2012). Persecution of vultures in the Middle East.
Vulture News. 62: 40–41.
ii. Spiegel, O. (2008). Vultures of Etosha. Raptors Namibia. 4:1–3.
i. Spiegel, O. (2006). Seed dispersal in desert ecosystems - Grackles, Bulbuls and other agents. Teva Hadvarim. 44-47 (in Hebrew).